• Pribadi E
  • Kardinan A
  • Trisilawati O
  • et al.
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The cost production and business feasibility is useful in determining the price cost, and decision making for future business development of organic citonella. The research was conducted at the PT. Pemalang Agro Wangi in Jonggol - Bogor Regency in April 2019.  Analysis of the cost of production was carried out by the full costing method. The feasibility test was carried out with several investment feasibility criteria, namely B/C ratio, NPV and IRR.Data collection was done by interviewing key informants, namely: producers and farmers of organic citronella using snowball sampling. The results showed that price cost of seeds, herbs and oil of organic  sitronela were Rp.103,00/cuttings, Rp662,00/kg and Rp205.757,00/kg. The Organic sitronela nursery and herbs were feasible, at 7% / year interest rates,  each  produced Net B/C ratio were 4,7% and NPV Rp289.386.802,00 per ha, and B/C ratio of 1.05, NPV of Rp49.024.781,00 and IRR 17,92% for eleven ha Organic citronella cultivation produced essential oil content of 0.35% to 0.7% lower than inorganic cultivation >1%, thus impact on higher cost of product. In order for the cultivation of organic citronella to develop, the selling price of oil should be more expensive than inorganic citronella oil. Keywords: Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendl, organic, cost price, business feasibility Abstrak ANALISA BIAYA POKOK DAN KELAYAKAN AGRIBISNIS SERAI WANGI ORGANIK Perhitungan harga pokok dan kelayakan usaha sangat bermanfaat dalam menetapkan harga jual, dan pengambilan keputusan untuk pengembangan usaha serai wangi organik. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun PT. Pemalang Agro Wangi di Jonggol – Kabupaten Bogor pada bulan April 2019. Analisis harga pokok produksi dilakukan dengan metode full costing. Uji kelayakan dilakukan dengan kriteria kelayakan investasi yaitu B/C ratio, NPV dan IRR. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada informan kunci yaitu: produsen serai wangi organik dan petani penggarap menggunakan metode bola salju ( snowball sampling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan usaha agribisnis serai wangi organik menghasilkan harga pokok benih, daun dan minyak masing-masing sebesar Rp103,00/stek,  Rp662,00/kg dan Rp205.757,00/kg. Usahatani benih dan daun serai wangi organik layak diusahakan, pada suku bunga 7%/tahun. Untuk usaha benih diperoleh B/C 4,7 dan NPV Rp289.386.802,00 per ha, serta untuk usaha daun diperoleh B/C 1,05, NPV Rp49.024.781,00 dan IRR 17,92 % per delapan ha. Budidaya serai wangi organik menghasilkan kadar minyak atsiri 0,35-0,7% lebih rendah dari pada budidaya anorganik (>1%), sehingga berdampak pada harga pokok produk yang lebih tinggi. Agar budidaya serai wangi organik berkembang, harga jual minyak seharusnya lebih mahal dari minyak serai wangi anorganik. Kata kunci: Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendl, organik, harga pokok, kelayakan usaha




Pribadi, E. R., Kardinan, A., Trisilawati, O., & Rizal, M. (2020). COST OF PRODUCTION AND FEASIBILLITY STUDY OF ORGANIC SITRONELA AGRIBUSINESS. Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri, 26(2), 119.

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