Abstrak: Nugget merupakan makanan popular yang mudah disiapkan dan disukai anak-anak. Bahan utama nuget umumnya adalah daging ayam, kelemahan nugget ayam adalah kurangnya serat serta tingginya lemak. Tempe merupakan salah satu bahan baku yang potensial dapat mensubsitusi daging ayam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui mutu nuget hasil formulasi tempe dan berapa formulasi tempe dan daging ayam terpilih. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor dengan 5 (lima) taraf x 3 (tiga) ulangan. Uji yang dilakukan pada adalah uji fisik (kerenyahan) dan uji kimia (kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat). Uji organoleptik dilakukan pada mutu hedonik dan hedonik warna, aroma, rasa, kekenyalan, dan rangking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter mutu nugget tempe dipengaruhi oleh formulasi tempe dan daging ayam yang berbeda (α=0.01). Formulasi tempe dan daging ayam terpilih adalah 25:25 pada formulasi nugget tempe dengan nilai rangking tertinggi. Karakteristik mutu nugget tempe terpilih adalah nilai kekenyalan 662,76 gf, kadar air 56.53%, kadar abu 1.73%, kadar protein 15.23%, kadar lemak 11.84%, kadar karbohidrat 8.78% dan kadar serat 2.11%. Mutu organoleptik nugget tempe terpilih adalah warna kuning (2.8), aroma nugget kuat (4.2), rasa gurih (4.4), dan tekstur sangat kenyal (4.6). Berdasarkan SNI 01-6683-2002, maka nugget tempe dengan formulasi tempe dan daging ayam 25:25 pada formulasi telah memenuhi syarat mutu nugget ayam yaitu pada kadar air, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat. Nugget tempe terpilih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan serat sebanyak 8.44% untuk wanita dewasa, 5.55% untuk pria dewasa dan 23.44% untuk anak-anak.ABSTRACT: Nuggets are a popular dish that is easy to prepare and kids preferred. The main ingredient of nuggets is generally chicken meat, the lack of chicken nuggets is the lack of fiber and high fat. Tempe is one of the raw materials that can potentially substitute for chicken meat. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the nugget produced by the tempe formulation and the selected tempe and chicken meat formulations. The methodology in this study is an experiment using a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 (five) levels x 3 (three) replications. The tests carried out were physical tests (elasticity) and tests (moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and fiber content). Organoleptic tests were carried out on sensory of color, aroma, taste, elasticity, and ranking. The results showed that all quality parameters of tempe nuggets were influenced by different formulations of tempeh and chicken meat (α=0.01). The selected tempe and chicken meat formulations were 25:25 in the tempe nugget formulation with the highest-ranking value. The quality characteristics of selected tempe were the 662.76-gram force of elasticity, 56.53% of water content, 1.73% of ash content, 15.23% of protein content, 11.84% of fat content, 8.78% of carbohydrate content, and 2.11% of fiber content. The selected organoleptic tempe nuggets were yellow color (2.8), strong nugget aroma (4.2), savory taste (4.4), and very chewy texture (4.6). Based on SNI 01-6683-2002, the tempe nugget with the formulation of tempe and chicken meat 25:25 formulation has met the quality requirements of chicken nuggets, namely in water, protein, fat and carbohydrate content. The selected tempe nuggets can fulfill the fiber needs of 8.44% for adult women, 5.55% for adult men, and 23.44% for children.
Pujilestari, S., Sari, F. A., & Sabrina, N. (2020). MUTU NUGGET TEMPE HASIL FORMULASI TEMPE DAN DAGING AYAM. Jurnal Teknologi Pangan Dan Kesehatan (The Journal of Food Technology and Health), 2(2), 82–87. https://doi.org/10.36441/jtepakes.v2i2.515
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