Úrtak Fýra sløg av gráum undir steini eru staðfest í Føroyum: Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt, 1833, Ligia oceanica (Linnaeus, 1767), Oniscus asellus Linnaeus, 1758 og Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804. Í hesari kanning varð einki nýtt slag funnið. Á 48 støðum vórðu grá undir steini staðfest fyri fyrstu ferð, so saman við eldri kanningum eru tey nú staðfest á 59 støðum tilsamans.Hesi støð eru sett á kort. Orðskift verður um útbreiðsluna. Abstract A survey of woodlice has been conducted. Species found were: Trichoniscus pusillus Brandt, 1833, Ligia oceanica, Oniscus asellus Linnaeus, 1758 and Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804, and no new species were found. We were able to document the presence of woodlice in 48 new locations, bringing the total to 59. The distribution found is discussed.
Hansen, J., & Jensen, J.-K. (2006). Distribution of Woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscoidea) in the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal, 172–176. https://doi.org/10.18602/fsj.v54i.288
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