Flexible devices produced using organic materials have attracted the attention of many research-ers. Important components of these flexible devices include transparent electrodes, which trans-mit visible light and possess conductivity. The present study improved the characteristics of a transparent conductive film that was made of poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesul-fonate) (PEDOT:PSS), an organic conductive material, and that had been prepared using ink-jet printing. To improve the resistance value and visible light transmittance of the film, the film sub-strate was first cleaned with ultraviolet/ozone treatment, and then the film was annealed after it was deposited on the substrate and dipped into a polar solvent. Consequently, the resistance value of the thin film decreased. However, the surface state of the film changed according to the treat-ment method and affected its visible light transmittance. Thus, the surface state of the film sub-strate, the annealing temperature after film deposition, and the dipping treatment with a polar solvent influenced the characteristics of a thin film.
Nitta, A., & Shimono, K. (2015). Preparation of PDOT:PSS Transparent Conductive Film Using Ink-Jet Printing. Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry, 05(12), 467–476. https://doi.org/10.4236/ampc.2015.512047
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