Brümmer, Vincent. Vroom of regsinnig? Teologie in die NG Kerk, 2013, Wellington: Bybel Media, ISBN: 9780864877185 Conradie, Ernst M. Reconciliation - A guiding vision for South Africa?, 2013, Stellenbosch: Sun Press, ISBN: 9781920689087 Conradie, Ernst M. South African perspectives on Notions and Forms of Ecumenicity, 2013, Stellenbosch: Sun Press, ISBN: 9781920689063 Conradie, Ernst M & Klaasen, John. The Quest for Identity in so-called Mainline Churches in South Africa, 2013, Stellenbosch: Sun Press, ISNB: 9781920689223 Conradie, Ernst M. Saving the earth? The legacy of reformed views on “re-creation”, Studies in Religion and Environment, Vol. 8, 2013, Lit Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Wien, ISBN: 9783643903044 Lessing, H, Besten, J, Dedering, T, Hohmann, C and Kriel, L (eds). The German Protestant Church in colonial Southern Africa: The impact of overseas work from the beginnings until the 1920s, 2012, Pietermaritzburg: Cluster, ISBN: 9783447067751
Editor, E. (2015). Book reviews / Boekresensies. STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 1(1), 361.
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