The UK does not have special laws governing new retail development like the Large-Scale Retail Store Locating Law in Japan, but promotes retail developments through the land-use planning system. In the 1980s, many out-of-centre retail developments took place in UK cities. But since the end of the 1980s, the government has severely restricted out-of-centre retail developments. Japanese researchers believe that the UK's planning policy has been successful in revitalizing central areas, although the number of retail outlets in the UK has decreased as in Japan. This paper aims to evaluate the retail planning policy in the UK by analyzing the city of Nottingham, England, as a representative example. In England, retail development control is operated through development plans prepared by local planning authorities. The Nottingham City Council published the Nottingham Local Plan Review as a development plan in 2005. The Nottingham local plan must comply with the Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Joint-Structure Plan published by the Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council in 2006. In turn, this structure plan must comply with the Regional Spatial Strategy for the East Midlands (RSS8) and Planning Policy Statement 6 (PPS6) published by the government in 2005. In England, the government's land-use planning aims to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, retail developments are concentrated in existing centres to sustain and enhance them. Cut-of-centre retail developments are restricted to reduce reliance on private cars, encourage the use of public transport and walking and cycling, and ensure that everyone has access to a range of retail facilities. Local planning authorities balance the hierarchy of centres to ensure that they are not overly dominated by the largest ones. Local planning authorities ensure that the scale of development matches the role and function of each centre within the wider hierarchy. The issues in retail planning policy in the UK are summarized as follows: There is a slight inconsistency among RSS8, the structure plan, and the local plan in terms of establishing the hierarchy of centres. It may be important to resolve this slight inconsistency. Nottingham city centre is very prosperous. However, there are some vacancies on the fringes of the city center. There are district and local centres where the number of vacancies has increased in the inner city. Although a superstore opened in a district centre in the inner city, this centre has many vacancies, especially on the fringes. Even though Nottingham has been successful in revitalizing its city center, it appears that revitalizing district centers or local centers in the inner areas is a difficult task. In Nottingham, there are retail parks, free-standing retail warehouses, and superstores. Most of them are concentrated in the inner area. The Nottingham local plan severely restricts new out-of-centre retail developments that would seriously affect the vitality or viability of existing centres. However, there are already many stores selling comparison goods in retail parks in Nottingham. They would seriously affect the vitality of existing district and local centres rather than the city centre with many attractive entertainment facilities and restaurants. In the Nottingham local plan, although out-of-centre retailers are important elements in the urban retail system, they are excluded from the proposals map because it may be difficult for people without cars to travel to out-of-centre retailers easily. Some of out-of-centres developments with easy, convenient access by public transport are important elements in the urban retail system. In the 1950s, Berry (1958) proposed an urban planning system that includes all types of shopping centres for US cities. It may be necessary to establish a more flexible land-use system for retail developments in the UK.
Neda, K. (2006). Evaluation of the retail planning policy in Nottingham, UK. Geographical Review of Japan, 79(13), 786–808.
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