A resurrected discussion? The incomplete fortuitous case and the historical background of the Versari in re illicita maxim in Chile

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This study emphasizes the current relevance of the versari in re illicita in case of the incomplete fortuitous event, but also because of frequent illicit actions in which more serious and unintended results are imputed, such as harmful behaviors that cause the death of another. Likewise, it offers a first objection to the traditional objective conception of Versari, especially from an historical perspective in the Chilean legal-criminal context.




Pinto, T. V. (2021). A resurrected discussion? The incomplete fortuitous case and the historical background of the Versari in re illicita maxim in Chile. Revista de Estudios Historico-Juridicos, (43), 751–777. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0716-54552021000100751

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