Impact of dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour on job satisfaction in information technology sector

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This present research has been done to measure the influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) on the job satisfaction level for the professionals employed in Information Technology (IT) sector. OCB refers to the extra role behaviour exhibited by the employees which is not prescribed or it is beyond their contractual tasks. 240 valid responses were obtained from the employees working in an IT company in Bangalore. From the literature review two new categories of OCB were identified as employee sustainability and voice behaviour. Each dimension was studied thoroughly and correlation was done to find out the interrelation between these dimensions of OCB and job contentedness. Linear regression was applied to predict the values of one or more independent variables for the dependant variable. The results of the research indicated there is strong correlation between various categories of OCB and job satisfaction and further OCB and job satisfaction are statistically significant with each other. The results of descriptive analysis reveals “praising other employees work when they are successful” as the most important factor with the highest mean value. Gender and age did not have a positive association with OCB. The findings give an insight into the importance of OCB behaviours at workplace for every organization and implementation of these extra-role behaviours help in improving the work life balance of the employees and enhance in creating a tending environment for learning and growth.




Mohapatra, M. D., Satpathy, I., & Patnaik, B. C. M. (2019). Impact of dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour on job satisfaction in information technology sector. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 2503–2508.

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