Functional comparison of microarray data across multiple platforms using the method of percentage of overlapping functions

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Functional comparison across microarray platforms is used to assess the comparability or similarity of the biological relevance associated with the gene expression data generated by multiple microarray platforms. Comparisons at the functional level are very important considering that the ultimate purpose of microarray technology is to determine the biological meaning behind the gene expression changes under a specific condition, not just to generate a list of genes. Herein, we present a method named percentage of overlapping functions (POF) and illustrate how it is used to perform the functional comparison of microarray data generated across multiple platforms. This method facilitates the determination of functional differences or similarities in microarray data generated from multiple array platforms across all the functions that are presented on these platforms. This method can also be used to compare the functional differences or similarities between experiments, projects, or laboratories.




Li, Z., Kwekel, J. C., & Chen, T. (2012). Functional comparison of microarray data across multiple platforms using the method of percentage of overlapping functions. Methods in Molecular Biology, 802, 123–139.

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