POLYCHAr::rE FROM BRAZILlAN COAST. 5 . PISIONIDAE. CIIRYSOPETA· UDAE, AMPIIINOMIDAE AND EUPHROS INIDAE. T his is the fifth fa sc icle ofthe se ries and deals with the p ol ycha~t e fami lies Psi on ida~ , Chrysop t e l ida~ , Amphinomidae e Euph rosinidae which are representcd in the Brazilian coast r espectively by I , 5, 9 and 2 species. The spec imens of a li the specics examined are depositcd in the Collection ofthe Departame nto de Zoologia. Instituto de Biologia ofthe Universidade Estadual d~ Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas. São Pau lo .
Amaral, A. C. Z., & Nonato, E. F. (1994). Anelídeos Poliquetos da costa Brasileira: 5. Pisionidae, Chrysopetalidae, Amphinomidae e Euphrosinidae. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 11(2), 361–390. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0101-81751994000200022
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