Blood lipids profile in lactating cows fed with supplement of OVOCAP®

  • Petkova M
  • Kitanov I
  • Girginov D
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This study was conducted to test the effects of feeding supplemental Bulgarian nutritive additive OVOCAP? administrated per os, on blood lipid profile in lactating cows. Twelve lactating American Brown cows (BW = 695 ? 28 kg; at the beginning of the lactation) were separated to two treatments for 1,5 year. Cows were fed typical diets during the winter (corn silage, meadow hay, straw, wheat bran, potatoes and compound feed) and summer (pasture and compound feed). Experimental cows received in addition to concentrate part of their daily ration 2x23 ml OVOCAP? each every 28th day in the month, first doses being on the 3rd and 4th day post partum. Blood samples were collected after every giving doses of OVOCAP?, morning before feeding and sera were analyzed for triglycerides, HDL, LDL, VLDL and total lipids concentration. Feed intake was similar in the two groups. Observed levels of the HDL cholesterol were significant lowered (P?0,05) under the influence of OVOCAP?. Observed levels of LDL and VLDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides and total lipids were significant lowered (P ?0,001) under the influence of OVOCAP?. This results suggest that OVOCAP? may posses hypocholesterolemia and hypotriglyceridemic effect in lactating cows. This experiment demonstrated that OVOCAP? is adjusted to use in lactating cows with sure definite benefit on blood lipoprotein profile.Cilj ispitivanja je bio utvrdjivanje efekta koriscenja u ishrani dopunskog bugarskog prirodnog aditiva OVOCAP? per os, na profil lipida u krvi krava u laktaciji. Dvanaest krava americke smedje rase (BW = 695 ? 28 kg; na pocetku laktacije) je podeljeno u dva tretmana u periodu od 1,5 godine. Krave su hranjene tipicnim obrokom tokom zime (silaza kukuruza, livadsko seno, slama, psenicne mekinje, krompir i smesa) i leta (ispasa i smesa). Ogledne krave su dobijale kao aditiv koncentrovanom delu dnevnog obroka 2x23 ml OVOCAP? svaka 28. dana u mesecu, prve doze su davane 3. i 4. dana post partum. BUzorci krvi su uzimani nakon davanja svake doze preparata OVOCAP?, jutro pre hranjenja i serumi analizairani na trigliceride, HDL, LDL, VLDL i ukupnu koncentraciju lipida. Konzumiranje hrane je bilo slicno u obe grupe. Uoceni nivoi HDL holesterola su bili signifikantno nizi (P?0,05) pod uticajem preparata OVOCAP?. Uoceni nivoi LDL i VLDL holesterola, kao iI triglicerida i ukupnih lipida su bili significantno smanjeni (P ?0,001) pod uticajem preparata OVOCAP?. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da preparat OVOCAP? mozda ima dejstvo hipoholesterolemije i hipotrigliceridemije kod krava u laktaciji. Ovaj ogled je pokazao da je OVOCAP? pogodan za koriscenje u ishrani krava u laktaciji sa sigurnom koristi sa stanovista profila lipoproteina u krvi.




Petkova, M., Kitanov, I., & Girginov, D. (2008). Blood lipids profile in lactating cows fed with supplement of OVOCAP®. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 24(3–4), 19–28.

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