To play is often known as a voluntary process in a temporary sphere with a unique disposition. In contemporaneity, games are a promising field for application and study, since they are sociocultural products with great impacts on the economy and in technology. Throughout the history of the development of this medium, the sensory experience included the perceptual channels of vision, hearing, and cognition to solve problems. Therefore, this study presents the theme through a systematic literature review and describes several applications and approaches that accentuate and diversify the user’s sensory experience. The main contribution of the study is to elucidate and illustrate the multisensory experiences that involve the use of the kinesthetic system (voice and body) and the haptic system (smell and taste). Moreover, visual experiences have been enhanced through augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3-D visualization. The results and discussion note the particularities of this media and aspects for the feasibility of future applications. It is hoped that this research will pave the way for future work involving case studies of games that allow for aesthetic experiences beyond solely visual experiences to deepen the sensitivity analysis and the process of generating meaning as well as emotional, and cognitive responses.
Cardoso Garone, P. M., Nesteriuk, S., & Belluzzo de Campos, G. (2020). Sensory design in games: Beyond visual-based experiences. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 12199 LNCS, pp. 322–333). Springer.
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