Abstract: Indonesia is currently in the middle of the epidemiological transition in which non-communicable diseases have increased dramatically while infectious diseases are still the major causes of disease. Epidemiological transition, which is marked by the growing of degenerative diseases and certain diseases associated with throat-ear-nose head and neck Surgery (ENT-HNS) that can not besolved completely. This study aimed to assess the pattern of hospitalized patients of the ENT-HNS in Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. This was a descriptive retrospective study. Samples were all patients hospitalized in the ENT-HNS Department of Prof. Dr. RD Kandou Hospital Manado from January 2010 to December 2012. The results showed that based on the types of diseases there were 239 cases of throat infection (55.97%), 163 cases of nasal diseases (38.17%) and 25cases (5.85%) of ear diseases. The highest percentage of types of disease was acute pharyngitis with 75 cases (17.48%) and the lowest ones were laryngeal abscess, tongue abscess, adenotonsilitis, cancer of nasal cavity, cvancer of left external ear, acute epiglottis, infiltrated peritonsilar, tonsilectomy, polyps, tumors of the tongue, vocal cords tumors, ear tumors, and tumors of tonsil and pharyng each of 1 case (0.23%). Conclusion: There were 48 types of diseases and the 10 diseases with the highest percentages consecutively were acute pharyngitisis, epistaxis, polyps of nasal cavity nasopharyngeal cancer, tumors coli, larynx tumors, tonsilopharyngitis, laryngitis, and sinusitis.Keywords: ENT-HNS diseases, hospitalized patientsAbstrak: Indonesia saat ini berada pada pertengahan transisi epidemiologi dimana penyakit tidak menular meningkat drastis sementara penyakit menular masih menjadi penyebab penyakit yang utama. Transisi epidemiologis, yang di tandai dengan semakin berkembangnya penyaki degeneratif dan penyakit tertentu temasuk penyakit yang berhubungan dengan Telinga Hidung Tengorokan Bedah Kepala Leher (THT-KL). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola penyakit penderita rawat inap SMF THT-KL di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado periode Januari 2010 sampai dengan Desember 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif restropektif. Populasi penelitian ialah penderita rawat inap di RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Sampel ialah seluruh penderita rawat inap di SMF THT-KL di RSU Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dari periode Januari 2010 - Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan jenis penyakit berdasarkan penyakit tenggorokan ada 239 kasus (55,97%), penyakit hidung 163 kasus (38,17%) dan penyakit telinga 25 kasus (5,85%). Jenis penyakit terbanyak ialah faringitis akut dengan 75 kasus ( 17,48% ) dan terendah abses laring, abses lidah, adenotonsilitis, Ca cavum nasi, Ca MAE Sinistra, epiglottis akut, infiltrat peritonsiler, polip tonsiltektomi, tumor lidah, tumor plika vokalis, tumor telinga, dan tumor tonsil faringitis masing-masing 1 kasus ( 0,23% ). Simpulan: Dari pasien rawat inap periode 2010-2012 berdasarkan jenis penyakit, didapatkan 48 jenis penyakit dengan 10 penyakit THT-KL terbanyak, yaitu berturut-turut: faringitis akut, epistaksis, tonsilitis, polip nasi, Ca nasofaring, tumor coli, tumor laring, tonsilofaringitis, laringitis, dan sinusitis.Kata kunci: THT-KL, penderita rawat inap
Kandouw, C. E., Palandeng, O. I., & Mengko, S. (2015). POLA PENDERITA RAWAT INAP THT-KL DI BLU RSUP PROF. DR. R. D. KANDOU MANADO PERIODE JANUARI 2010 – DESEMBER 2012. E-CliniC, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.35790/ecl.3.3.2015.10564
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