ABSTRAKKemampuan 4C abad 21 terbukti sangat diperlukan mahasiswa terutama untuk angkatan 2022 yang sudah menerapkan kurikulum merdeka. Hal ini dikarenakan, kemampuan tersebut akan membantu selama perkuliahan baik di dalam kampus ataupun di luar kampus. Selain itu, kemampuan 4C Abad 21 akan mempermudah mahasiswa ketika menghadapi permasalahan dunia kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pencapaian kemampuan 4C abad 21 mahasiswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah, observasi, tes, dan wawancara. Sebelum tes diberikan dilakukan pembelajaran selama 4 pertemuan dengan menggunakan model inkuiri berbantuan mind mapping. Hasil dari penelitian pencapaian kemampuan 4C abad 21 mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran inkuiri berbantuan mind mapping pada pembelajaran Fisika Dasar adalah 77% mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan komunikasi (communication) baik, 77% mahasiswa berada pada ketegori kemampuan kolaborasi tinggi, 55% mahasiswa berkategori kemampuan berpikir kreatif baik, dan 55% mahasiswa berketegori kemampuan kritis kurang. Dari keempat kompetensi abad 21 yang dicapai, kompetensi berpikir kritis mahasiswa prodi Sistem Komputer memiliki capaian terrendah dari 3 kompetensi yang lain. Kata kunci: kemampuan 4C abad 21; pemebelajaran inkuiri; mind mapping; metode penelitian deskriptif ABSTRACTThe ability of the 4C of the 21st century has proven to be indispensable for students, especially for the class of 2022 who have implemented an independent curriculum. This is because, this ability will help during lectures both on campus and off campus. In addition, the 4C capabilities of the 21st Century will make it easier for students when facing problems in the world of work. This study aims to describe the achievement of 4C abilities of 21st century students. The research was carried out with descriptive methods and the data collection techniques used were, observation, tests, and interviews. Before the test was given, learning was carried out for 4 meetings using a mind mapping-assisted inquiry model. The results of research on the achievement of 4C abilities of 21st century students through the inquiry learning model assisted by mind mapping in Basic Physics learning are that 77% of students have good communication skills, 77% of students are in the category of high collaboration skills, 55% of students are categorized as good creative thinking skills, and 55% of students have less critical ability categories. Of the four 21st century competencies achieved, the critical thinking competence of Computer Systems study program students has the lowest achievement of the other 3 competencies. Keywords: 21st century 4C capabilities; inquiry learning; mind mapping; descriptive research method.
Puspitasari, W. D., Febrinita, F., & Santi, I. H. (2023). PENCAPAIAN KEMAMPUAN 4C ABAD 21 MAHASISWA MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI BERBANTUAN MIND MAPPING. ORBITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu Fisika, 9(2), 284. https://doi.org/10.31764/orbita.v9i2.17762
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