Baduy Indigenous People's Food Accessibility Through Social Forest Management

  • Utami W
  • Mayrudin Y
  • Irawan P
  • et al.
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AbstractFood Accessibility of the Baduy community through social forestry can increase the food security of the community, which in turn will also affect the welfare of the Baduy. In this study, food accessibility for the Baduy community is seen through physical accessibility which includes infrastructure and community facilities in fulfilling food security, while economic accessibility looks at the material capabilities of the community in accessing food. This research used a phenomenological approach, in which researchers try to understand the physical and economic accessibility of food through social forestry in promoting food security in the Baduy community. The results showed that the food accessibility of the Baduy community through social forestry was quite good and sufficient, where 124 Baduy farmers were members of the social forestry community group so that they had access to forest management and obtained rights to share the profits from the sale of social forest products. The closeness of the Baduy people to nature makes the Baduy people have a 'good' relationship with nature so that their food needs are fulfilled even though the majority of the people are farmers who have irregular incomes. The sale of social forest products from both short-term and long-term crops helps Baduy farmers meet their basic needs. By selling timber from the social forest, Baduy farmers can get a profit-sharing proportion of around 20-30%. The absence of a market in the Baduy community also does not make it difficult for them to obtain food/food because there are still small traders. The community's access to roads and bridges to food is quite adequate with the river as the Baduy community's main water source.Keywords: social forestry, Baduy community, food accessibility, food security AbstrakAksesibilitas pangan masyarakat Baduy melalui perhutanan sosial dapat meningkatkan ketahanan pangan masyarakat masyarakat Baduy dan akhirnya dapat mendorong kesejahteraan masyarakat Baduy. Dalam penelitian ini, aksesibilitas pangan masyarakat Baduy dilihat melalui aksesibilitas fisik yang meliputi sarana prasarana serta fasilitas masyarakat dalam memenuhi ketahanan pangan, dan aksesibilitas ekonomi yang melihat kemampuan material masyarakat dalam mengakses pangan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, peneliti mencoba memahami aksesibilitas pangan baik fisik dan ekonomi melalui hutan sosial dalam mendorong ketahanan pangan pada masyarakat Baduy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aksesibilitas pangan masyarakat Baduy melalui perhutanan sosial cukup baik dan memadai, tercatat sebanyak 124 petani Baduy yang tergabung dalam kelompok paguyuban perhutanan sosial sehingga membuat mereka memiliki akses dalam pengelolaan hutan serta mendapatkan hak untuk bagi hasil penjualan hasil hutan hutan sosial. Lekatnya masyarakat Baduy dengan alam membuat masyarakat Baduy memiliki hubungan ‘baik’ dengan alam sehingga masyarakat tercukupi kebutuhan pangannya meski mayoritas masyarakat merupakan petani yang memiliki pendapatan tidak tetap. Penjualan hasil hutan sosial baik dari tanaman jangka pendek dan tanaman jangka panjang senyatanya membantu petani Baduy dalam mencukupi kebutuhan hidup mereka. Dengan penjualan kayu hasil hutan sosial, petani Baduy bisa mendapatkan proporsi bagi hasil sekitar 20-30%. Ketiadaan pasar dalam masyarakat Baduy juga tidak menyulitkan mereka mendapatkan bahan pangan atau pangan karena masih ada pedagang-pedagang kecil. Sedangkan akses masyarakat akan jalan dan jembatan menuju pangan cukup memadai dengan sungai sebagai sumber air utama masyarakat Baduy.Kata kunci: hutan sosial, masyarakat baduy, aksesibilitas pangan, ketahanan pangan




Utami, W. K., Mayrudin, Y. M., Irawan, P., & Dewi, I. S. (2023). Baduy Indigenous People’s Food Accessibility Through Social Forest Management. Ijd-Demos, 5(3).

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