Law and health is a different science. But due to the rampant cases that occur related to the practice of medicine, the law contribute in providing solutions for both physicians and patients as consumers of health, although medicine has a code of professional ethics as well as Standard Operations as the basis of doctors in carrying out their work. The legal tools are still needed because in practice, there are many medical malpractices. This study focuses on 2 (two) important things, first, how judges assess the express consent on the implementation of informed consent and secondly, how the model of protection and fulfillment of patient rights in the implementation of informed consent in Indonesi.The research method used is normative legal research, because it is based on health law and the health minister's regulation as the main benchmark in analyzing, then integrates with court decisions relating to medical practices that have occurred in Indonesi.The results of the discussion illustrate that, the main point of doctors and health workers in carrying out their duties is the implementation of concrete agreements both written and oral. Empirical facts show that, doctors do not carry out the procedure because the patient is unconscious when will be a medical action. Judex Facti's consideration is entirely based on information and documents made unilaterally by doctors without medical records, this is in violation of the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (3) and (4) Regulation of the Minister of Health Rl Number 585 / Men.Kes / Per / IX / 1989 concerning medical approval. Second, the model for protecting patient rights in law enforcement is applying reverse evidence to doctors as defendants of malpractice in relation to the fulfillment of informed consent, because the medical profession is able to explain. From several cases, it appears that the judge's decision is not fundamental to informed concent, but tends to the negligence aspect of the doctor or medical personnel by referring to Article 359 of the Criminal Code, is negligence also called error, lack of caution.
Rohman, A., & Syafruddin, S. (2019). MODEL PERLINDUNGAN DAN PEMENUHAN HAK PASIEN TERHADAP PELAKSANAAN INFORMED CONSENT DI INDONESIA. Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada, 31(2), 222.
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