An Iot based Temperature Monitoring System for Industries and Transportations

  • et al.
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Temperature that can vary as high or low especially in Industries will cause discomfort to products and organization. So, we use Temperature sensors to monitor and measure the temperature at industries. These sensors are fixed into a component which tends to be problematic due to overheating issues. The sensors use a GSM module which constantly sends the temperature updates of the machine and surroundings to your Personalized Devices. This project not only tells the temperature in the industry and machines but also changes the temperature according to the organization by turning on the humidifiers or Extinguisher around the area. This can also send Emergency signals to the fire department if there is a serious fire. These devices are embedded with GSM module So these can also be used in Transport Systems so it can track the location and monitor the temperature around it at the same time.




R, R. … L, L. (2020). An Iot based Temperature Monitoring System for Industries and Transportations. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(4), 1255–1259.

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