The bicycle is probably the most effective and rational transportation mode for urban travel, besideswalking. However, cycling only represents a small percentage of the modal division of urbantravel. In this article, based on an analysis of national and European data, we present ananalytical reading of the factors that contribute to the promotion of urban cycling. Fivefactors are identified: urban characteristics, the natural environment, socio-economicfactors,psychological factors, and the generalized cost of cycling. Increasing knowledge ofthese factors is essential to the effective promotion of urban cycling, for which urban andregional planning plays a fundamental role, equal to or even more important than the roleof transportation planning. Although travel distance is probably the biggest determinant of urban cycling, the articulation of cycling with a good public transport network will allow anincrease in both travel modes, as these modes of transport are complementary
Vale, D. S. (2016). The city and the bicycle: an analitycal reading. Finisterra, 51(103), 45–66.
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