Single-strand conformation polymorphism by capillary electrophoresis (SSCP-CE) has been developed to detect single nucleotide mutations. This method is used to identify the ABO alleles A(1), A(1v), B, O(1), O(1v), and O(2) in this chapter. Four amplicons (112, 121, 123, and 160 bp) labeled with fluorescence are separately amplified by polymerase chain reaction from exons 6 and 7 of ABO gene. These four fragments are combined into a single tube for SSCP-CE analysis using native gel to identify their single nucleotide polymorphism. This method can fast screen ABO genotypes from unknown samples and will be valuable in clinical transfusion or forensic applications.
Lee, J. C.-I., Hsieh, H.-M., Teng, H.-F., & Tsai, L.-C. (2013). ABO Genotyping by Capillary Electrophoresis (pp. 113–120).
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