ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Citra profesi perawat terbentuk dari adanya kontak antara perawat dengan pasien dan tenaga kesehatan lain. Informasi tentang citra profesi perawat dari mahasiswa calon tenaga kesehatan masih kurang. Citra yang dipersepsikan baik nantinya mendukung kolaborasi dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui citra profesi perawat yang dipersepsikan oleh mahasiswa farmasi di Yogyakarta. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dilaksanakan di UMY dan UGM pada bulan Februari-Mei 2016. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa farmasi angkatan aktif diambil dengan purposive sampling (n=329). Penelitian menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner modifikasi dari penelitian lain, meliputi citra sikap, perilaku, kinerja, profesi dan pelayanan keperawatan, otonomi dan peran perawat. Analisis data secara univariat yang menggambarkan frekuensi dan persentase respon. Hasil: Citra profesi perawat dipersepsikan positif oleh mahasiswa farmasi (57,4%). Responden mempersepsikan positif sikap perawat (84,2%), perilaku perawat (50,5%), kinerja perawat (52,6%), profesi dan pelayanan keperawatan (58,1%). Bagian otonomi dan peran perawat dipersepsikan negatif oleh 51,4% responden. Diskusi: Citra profesi perawat yang dipersepsikan positif ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman responden yang baik saat berinteraksi dengan perawat. Sementara persepsi citra yang negatif dapat muncul karena adanya mitos dan miskonsepsi. Kesimpulan: Citra profesi perawat menurut persepsi mahasiswa farmasi tergolong dalam kategori positif. Namun, otonomi/kemandirian perawat masih dinilai rendah dan peran kolaborasi dengan tenaga kesehatan lain belum maksimal. Perawat dalam pelayanannya perlu meningkatkan peran mandiri dan kolaborasi serta semakin menunjukkan profesionalitas sehingga dapat membangun citra baik di masyarakat.Kata Kunci: citra, perawat, mahasiswa, farmasi, persepsiImage of Nurse Profession Perceived by Health Students (Pharmacy) in YogyakartaABSTRACTBackground: The image of nurse profession is created from contact between nurses with patients and other health professionals. There is only very little information about the image of nurse profession from prospective health professional students. A well-perceived image will later support collaboration in health services. Objective: To identify the image of nurse profession perceived by pharmacy students in Yogyakarta. Methods: This research is quantitative descriptive using cross sectional approach, conducted at UMY and UGM in February 2016-May 2016. The research samples were active pharmacy students taken by using purposive sampling (n=329). The research instrument was modified questionnaires from other research, including attitude, behavior, performance, nursing profession and service, nurse’s autonomy and role. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis that described frequency and percentage of responses. Results: The image of nurse profession was perceived positively by pharmacy students (57.4%). Respondents positively perceived nurse’s attitude (84.2%), nurse’s behavior (50.5%), nurse’s performance (52.6%), nursing profession and service (58,1%). The autonomy and role of nurse were negatively perceived by 51.4% of respondents. Discussion: The positive image of nursing profession can be influenced by the good knowledge and experience of respondents when interacting with nurses. The negative image perception can arise due to myths and misconceptions. Conclusion: The image of the nurse profession perceived by the pharmacy students can categorized into positive perception. However, the autonomy and role of nurse are still regarded low. Nurses need to improve independent and collaborative nursing services in order to create a more professional image.Keywords: image, nurse, students, pharmacy, perception
Fathudin, A. H., & Hapsari, E. D. (2018). Citra Profesi Perawat Menurut Persepsi Mahasiswa Kesehatan (Farmasi) di Yogyakarta. Jurnal Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (JPPNI), 3(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.32419/jppni.v3i1.100
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