This research covers reinforcement of unsaturated polyester resin by metal powders, and studying some of their mechanical properties. The samples were prepared by hand layout technique. The unsaturated polyester resin was reinforced by two types of metal powders Copper (15.598 µm) and aluminum (21.533µm) at selected volume fraction of (0, 5, 10. 15, 20 and 25 %). The study of mechanical properties includes tensile properties (strength at fracture point, elastic modulus and elongation at at break), flexural strength and flexural modulus, impact properties and hardness. The results show a noticeable increase in values of tensile strength at fracture point and tensile modules of elasticity, as the volume fraction of metal powder increase and reach to maximum value at 15 % volume ratio for both types, where as flexural strength, flexural modulus and fracture toughness reach to maximum value at 10 %volume ratio for both types composites, however elongation at break shows decrement as the volume fraction of metal powder is increased for both types composites. مختلفت معدنيت بمساحيق المقواة بوليمريه للمتراكباث الميكانيكيت الخواص تخمين الخالصت ي خ ض و ي ال ُذا بحث حقْيت الوشبعت غيز البْليسخز راحٌجاث ب َهعذًي وساحيق خظائظِا بعض ّدراست ، هي هجوْعخيي بْاسطت الوشبع غيز البْليسخز حقْيت حوج ّقذ .اليذّيت بالخقٌيت العيٌاث إعذاد حن .الويكاًيكيت ًالوعذ هساحيق َي)آاللوٌيْم ّ (الٌحاص 15.598) ، 21.533 هايكزّى (.الخْالي على بكس َحجوي ْر ٍهخخار (0 ، 5 ، 00 ، 05 ، 00 and 05 %) (االجِاد الشذ خظائض الويكاًيكيت الخْاص دراست ّحشخول)ّالوطيليت هزًّت ّهعاهل ،االًِيار ًقطت عٌذ االًحٌاء ّاجِاد ّ ّ ، االًحٌاء هزًّت هعاهل خظائض الظذهت ّ الظالدة ف هلحْظت سيادة الٌخائج أظِزث. ًقطت عٌذ الشذ إجِاد قين ي الكسز ّ الوزًّت هعاهل INTRODUCTION he concept of composites was not invented by human beings, it is found in nature. An example is wood, which is a composite of cellulose fibers in a matrix of natural glue called lignin. Husks or straws mixed with clay have been used to build houses for several hundred years. Mixing husk or sawdust in a clay is an example of a particulate composite. These reinforcements are done to improve performance [1, 2]. A composite material is made by combining two or more materials to give a unique combination and superior properties that cannot be met by conventional monolithic materials, such as metal and its alloys, ceramics, and polymers. Composites may have different properties that its constituents do not possess [1, 3,4]. It was reported that the properties of composite materials depend on size and shape of particles, particles surface area, physical properties of particles, volume fraction of reinforcement materials in the composites and adhesion force between matrix and metal particles [5-10]. Alaa A. Abdul-Hamead studied composite material properties of polyester material reinforced with iron weave wires with percentage (5,10,15 and 20). And concluded that most physical properties have been improved and the values increased with reinforcement content [11]. C.S. Obayi et,al investigated tensile behavior of polyester reinforced with petroleum-based carbon black (CB) Nano particles with 1 to 11% V f .Results showed that mechanical properties including ultimate tensile strength, elongation and area under the curve (i.e toughness) improved as V f of carbon black increased from until 5% and the maximum values was at 5%. While modulus of elasticity showed constant behavior from 1% to 5% but increased as volume fractions increased from 7% to 11%[12]. And other studies it was found changes in mechanical behavior of the samples and their effects on electrical resistivity which can be so effective to choose the proper composite as the collecting plate in electro static precipitators [14].The objective of this research is to assess the mechanical properties of two different polymer composites reinforced by metal powders (Cu and Al).
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Issa Salih, S., Nayyef, S., H .Abd Alsalam, A., & Mousa Hasan, A. (2015). Evaluation Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites Reinforced by different Metal Powders. Engineering and Technology Journal, 33(7B), 1348–1360.