The effect of autoclaving on soluble protein composition and trypsin inhibitor activity of cracked soybeans

  • Stanojevic S
  • Vucelic-Radovic B
  • Barac M
  • et al.
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The effects of autoclaving conditions (heating for 5, 10 and 15 minutes at 0.5 bars over pressure) and oil-extracting temperatures (40?C, 60?C) on protein content, composition, and inhibitor activity of cracked soybeans were investigated. The results obtained indicated that oil-extracting method and heat treatment had significant influence on soluble protein content and composition. Raw soybean samples defatted at lower temperature had better solubility (535.42?2.10 mg/g) than those obtained by the Soxhlet procedure (345.53?2.80). The same results were obtained for nitrogen solubility index. Autoclaving combined with two oil-extraction methods decreased protein solubility to 180.32?1.50 -245.41?1.41 mg/g, while the dominant component of heat treated flours was 11S fraction. High content of glycinin fraction (44.59-41.10%) implies the possible use of treated samples in food industry. Residual activity of treated samples was 43.40-84.26%. Kunitz inhibitor (KTI) was responsible for residual inhibitor activity.Ispitivan je uticaj termicke obrade lomljenog zrna u autoklavu pri nadpritisku od 0.5 bara i temperaturi od 96?C u toku 5, 10 i 15 minuta, kao i efekat ekstrakcije ulja pri temperaturama od 40 i 60?C na sadrzaj i sastav rastvorljivih proteina i tripsin inhbitorsku aktivnost. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da ovi tretmani imaju znacajan uticaj na sadrzaj i sastav rastvorljivih proteina. Netretirani uzorci odmasceni pri nizim temperaturama karakterisu se vecim sadrzajem rastvorljivih proteina od uzoraka odmascenih pri 60?C. Tretman u autoklavu kombinovan sa dva razlicita postupka ekstrakcije ulja redukuje sadrzaj proteina rastvorljivih u puferu pH 8.0 do 180.32?1.50 -245.41?1.41 mg/g. Rezervni proteini soje ispoljili su razlicitu stabilnost tokom obrade. Najosetljivijim su se pokazale komponente 7S frakcije. Rezidualna inhibitorska aktivnost tretiranih uzoraka je 43.40-84.26%, pri cemu je KTI okarakterisan kao nosilac te aktivnosti.

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Stanojevic, S., Vucelic-Radovic, B., Barac, M., & Pesic, M. (2004). The effect of autoclaving on soluble protein composition and trypsin inhibitor activity of cracked soybeans. Acta Periodica Technologica, (35), 49–57.

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