We present an analytical study of subproton electromagnetic fluctuations in a collisionless plasma with a plasma beta of the order of unity. In the linear limit, a rigorous derivation from the kinetic equation is conducted focusing on the role and physical properties of kinetic-Alfvén and whistler waves. Then, nonlinear fluid-like equations for kinetic-Alfvén waves and whistler modes are derived, with special emphasis on the similarities and differences in the corresponding plasma dynamics. The kinetic-Alfvén modes exist in the lower-frequency region of phase space, ω ≪ k - vTi , where they are described by the kinetic-Alfvén system. These modes exist both below and above the ion-cyclotron frequency. The whistler modes, which are qualitatively different from the kinetic-Alfvén modes, occupy a different region of phase space, k - vTi ≪ ω ≪ kzvTe , and they are described by the electron magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) system or the reduced electron MHD system if the propagation is oblique. Here, kz and k - are the wavenumbers along and transverse to the background magnetic field, respectively, and vTi and v Te are the ion and electron thermal velocities, respectively. The models of subproton plasma turbulence are discussed and the results of numerical simulations are presented. We also point out possible implications for solar-wind observations. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Boldyrev, S., Horaites, K., Xia, Q., & Perez, J. C. (2013). Toward a theory of astrophysical plasma turbulence at subproton scales. Astrophysical Journal, 777(1). https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/777/1/41
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