In developing regions of the world like Nigeria, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women and is typically presented at the advanced metastatic stages, with devastating symptoms, and destroying the self-esteem of the patients. In the presence of metastatic lesions, the quality of life of the patient can be highly compromised. The Nigerian healthcare delivery system needs to establish more palliative care centers urgently because of the anticipated increases in the incidence and mortality rates of cancer and in particular breast cancer, which represents 53% of all other types of cancers. In this chapter, I draw on the empirical literature to propose approaches to deliver effective palliative care in a Nigerian context for patients with advanced breast cancer. All patients afflicted with life-threatening illness, other types of noncommunicable illness, and their healthcare providers, particularly those living in low-resourced countries may benefit from this chapter.
Ogunkorode, A. (2019). Global Perspectives on Palliative Care: Nigerian Context. In Hospice Palliative Home Care and Bereavement Support: Nursing Interventions and Supportive Care (pp. 35–44). Springer International Publishing.
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