PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari di area Lampulo, dimana daerah ini merupakan daerah yang memiliki akses yang strategis karena mudah mendapatkan bahan baku karena dekat dengan TPI. Lingkungan di area Lampulo merupakan kawaasan industri perikanan, TPI (tempat penangkapan/pelelangan ikan), jauh dari pemukiman masyarakat, dan industri yang menyebabkan pencemaran, selain itu semua pasokan tersedia seperti air bersih, listrik yang memadai sehingga menunjang proses produksi. Sanitasi dilakukan sebagai usaha mencegah penyakit dari konsumsi pangan yang diproduksi dengan cara menghilangkan atau mengendalikan faktor-faktor di dalam pengolahan pangan yang berperan dalam pemindahan bahaya (hazard) sejak penerimaan bahan baku, pengolahan, pengemasan, dan penggudangan produk. Tahapan proses pengolahan tuna cube beku sudah memenuhi standar yang ditentukan sesuai dengan SNI acuan yaitu SNI tuna steak ikan beku ( SNI 01-44853.1-2006)Penerapan rantai dingin di PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari telah dilakukan dengan baik, ditinjau dari segi suhu bahan baku selama tahapan proses pengolahan dipertahankan untuk 4,4°C dan suhu ruangan yang berkisar antara 67°-20°C, sedangkan untuk suhu air masih kurang baik dikarenakan air tidak menggunakan es pada proses pengolahannya. Penerapan kelayakan dasar di PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari meliputi persyaratan fisik unit pengolahan, penerapan GMP yaitu cara berproduksi yang baik dan benar, penerapan SSOP yaitu sanitasi dan higiene perusahaan, dan penerapan kelayakan dasar suatu unit pengolahan. Penerapan GMP dan SSOP sangat baik dan telah memenuhi persyaratan fisik maupun operasional.Dari penilaian sertifikat kelayakan pengolahan, terdapat 3 aspek yang masing-masing mendapatkan 3 nilai minor.Keywords :PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari, SSOP, GMP ABSTRACT PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari in the Lampulo area, where this area is an area that has strategic access because it is easy to get raw materials because it is close to TPI. The environment in the Lampulo area is a fishing industry area, TPI (place of fishing/fish auction), far from community settlements, and industries that cause pollution, besides that all supplies are available such as clean water, adequate electricity to support the production process. Sanitation is carried out as an effort to prevent disease from consuming food produced by eliminating or controlling factors in food processing that play a role in the transfer of hazards from the receipt of raw materials, processing, packaging, and product warehousing. The stages of processing frozen tuna cubes have met the standards specified in accordance with the reference SNI, namely SNI for frozen fish tuna steak (SNI 01-44853.1-2006) Application of cold chain at PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari has been carried out well, in terms of the temperature of the raw materials during the processing stage, it is maintained to 4.4°C and the room temperature ranges from 67°-20°C, while the water temperature is still not good because the water is not using ice in the processing. Application of basic feasibility at PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari includes the physical requirements of the processing unit, the application of GMP, namely good and correct production methods, the application of SSOP, namely company sanitation and hygiene, and the application of the basic feasibility of a processing unit. The implementation of GMP and SSOP is very good and has met the physical and operational requirements. From the assessment of the processing feasibility certificate, there are 3 aspects, each of which gets 3 minor scores.Keywords : PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari, SSOP, GMP
Basri, B., & Febrinata, M. H. (2021). Implementation Of Frozen Cube Tuna Processing SSOP (Thunnus Sp) At PT. Aceh Lampulo Jaya Bahari. Baselang, 1(2), 123–128.
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