LPD is a village-owned business entity that carries out business activities in the village environment and for village cramps. LPD as one of the village business containers that carry out its function in form of business towards the improvement of standard to live villagecramps and in its activities supports the development of many villages. This research aims to analyze the internal control system on lending in LPD Desa Adat Kesiman during the covid-19 pandemic. The methods used in this study are qualitative methods with descriptive approaches. To obtain accurate and accountable data, the author uses several techniques in data collection, namely through interviews, observations, documentation and triangulation of sources data. The object of this research Kesiman Indigenous Village, East Denpasar Subdistrict, Denpasar City. The results showed that control, information and communication activities, and monitoring have been carried out properly, but in a control environment, especially in Credit control had experienced credit problems due to many customers who did not complete their credit. Then in the risk assessment section of the application of the 5C system in lending has not been 100% can be implemented because the LPD applies the family principle
Diantari, D. P. P., Karyada, I. P. F., & Yuliantari, N. P. Y. (2022). Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Internal Pada Pemberian Kredit Di Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) Desa Adat Kesiman Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Hita Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 3(4), 150–161. https://doi.org/10.32795/hak.v3i4.3452
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