Forward chaining is an algorithm that is particularly simple, and therefore used in many inference systems. It computes the facts that are the consequences of a set of facts and rules. Unfortunately, this algorithm is not complete with respect to negation. To solve this problem, it is possible, in the context of propositional calculus, to automatically add the rules needed to make forward chaining complete. This transformation is a logical compilation of knowledge bases. This article presents a new method, based on a cycle search in a graph associated to the set of rules to compile, which allows a precise identification of what is needed for completeness.
Roussel, O., & Mathieu, P. (1996). A new method for knowledge compilation: The achievement by cycle search. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 1104, pp. 493–507). Springer Verlag.
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