Healthcare systems can be considered as large-scale complex systems. They need to be well managed in order to create the desired values for its stakeholders as the patients, the medical staff and the industrials working for healthcare. Many simulation methods coming from other sectors have already proved their added value for healthcare. However, based on our experience in the French heath sector (Jean et al. 2012), we found these methods are not widely used in comparison with other areas as manufacturing and logistics. This paper presents a literature review of the healthcare issue and major simulations methods used to address them. This work is design to suggest how more systematic creation of solutions may be performed using complementary methods to resolve a common issue. We believe that this first work can help to better understand the simulation approaches used for health workers, deciders or researchers of any responsibility level.
Khudyakov, A., Jean, C., Jankovic, M., Cardinal, J. S. L., & Bocquet, J. C. (2013). Simulation methods in the healthcare systems. In Complex Systems Design and Management - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management, CSD and M 2013 (pp. 141–149). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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