Tofu pul p i s a by-product of tofu proces s i ng whi ch s ti l l contai ns hi gh enough protei n becaus e i n theproces s of knowi ng not al l protei ns can be extracted. The focus of the probl em on the l ocal communi ty s tarts from obs ervati ons i n the fi el d where s ome peopl ehave a home i ndus try that knows i ts pul p not yet maxi mal l y uti l i zed onl y l i mi ted to ani mal feed addi ti ves .Bas ed on thi s probl emi t i s neces s aryto empower rural communi ti es , es peci al l y hous ehol d motherby provi di ng couns el i ng and trai ning on the us e of vi l agess uch as tofu i ndus try was te to be proces s ed i ntous eful products wi th hi gh economi c val ue.Tofu dregs becomecrackers and aboni n addi ti on to nutri ti ous fami l y food (food di vers i fi cati on) aswel l as addi ti onal hous ehol d i ncome.Keywords : abon, tofu dregs , was te and crackers
MD, M., Rangkuti, K., & Fuadi, M. (2019). Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tahu Dalam Upaya Diversifikasi Pangan. Agrintech: Jurnal Teknologi Pangan Dan Hasil Pertanian, 2(2), 52–54.
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