It is generally acknowledged that performing a natural and reliable grasp with a robotic hand is a challenging task not yet completely solved. Further, the robotic hands designed until now do not have the same kinematic characteristics of a human hand, especially regarding the thumb. The main purpose of this paper is to use information obtained from the analysis of the human grasping action for validating and improving a reach-and-grasp algorithm we proposed for determining the optimal hand position for grasping a cylindrical object. Algorithm effectiveness has been tested on a real arm-hand robotic system.
Cordella, F., Zollo, L., Salerno, A., Guglielmelli, E., & Siciliano, B. (2012). Validation of a power grasping algorithm for an anthropomorphic robotic hand on the basis of human grasping action. In Latest Advances in Robot Kinematics (pp. 91–98). Springer Netherlands.
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