VYLETELOVA-KLIMEŠOVA MARCELA, HANUŠ OTO, HORAČEK JIRI, VORLOVA LENKA, NEMEČKOVA IRENA, NEJESCHLEBOVA LUDMILA, KOPECKY JAROSLAV. 2014. Characteristic and Quality and Food Safety of Regional Cheese Produced from Mixed Milk. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 62(5): 1171-1182. There were cheeses produced from raw cow's milk and from mixed milk compared. Mixed milk contained small ruminants' milk (goat's and ewe's milk) and cow's milk in diff erent proportions. There were technological, physical and health parameters, mineral composition, microbiological indicators and sensory quality evaluated. Cow's milk, compared to mixed milk, contained markedly lower amounts of fat, protein, casein, total solids, solids non fat, urea and acetone and higher values of lactose, citric acid and free fatty acids and showed signifi cantly lower values of somatic cell count. Mixed milk showed lower (better) results for freezing point depression, markedly higher titration acidity and higher values for Ca, Mg, K, P, Cu, Mn and Zn. The results of microbiological analyses confi rmed good hygienic quality in terms of total count of mesophlic, psychrotrophic and thermoresistant bacteria and coliforms. Negative incidence of L. monocytogenes and mostly negative incidence of S. aureus are important results and confi rmed high quality of raw material for cheese production. None of S. aureus strains were confi rmed as MRSA. The results of sensory evaluation showed no signifi cant diff erences between cheeses originated from cow's milk and cheeses from mixed milk.
Vyletelova-Klimešová, M., Hanuš, O., Horaček, J., Vorlová, L., Nemečková, I., Nejeschlebová, L., & Kopecký, J. (2014). Characteristic and quality and food safety of regional cheese produced from mixed milk. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 62(5), 1171–1182. https://doi.org/10.11118/actaun201462051171
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