A contribuição de Carlos Chagas Filho para a institucionalização da pesquisa científica na universidade brasileira

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This paper studies the period considered the 'prehistory' of the Instituto de Biofísica, namely between November 1937 and October 1945, during which Carlos Chagas Filho championed the inclusion of scientific research at Universidade do Brasil (UB), despite facing multiple and complex obstacles. The lack of successful precedents at UB isolated him to one inexpressive chair. The equipment available was inadequate for his purposes; there were no official sources and forms of access to funding for science or trained personnel for research activities. On the other hand, Chagas Filho won over allies due both to the political and social clout of his name and his marriage, and to his scientific influence ensuing from his success in attaining the goals he fought for.




de Almeida, D. F. (2012). A contribuição de Carlos Chagas Filho para a institucionalização da pesquisa científica na universidade brasileira. Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos, 19(2), 653–668. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-59702012005000002

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