Study about three aspects of sacred musical activity in Lima and its surroundings under archbishop fray Toribio de Mogrovejo (1581-1606): 1) activity of Gutierre Fernández Hidalgo in Lima, where he was chapelmaster at the Cathedral and wrote music books for that church and for the nun convent of La Encarnación (ca. 1590-1591); 2) the 1593 Consueta, compiled under Mogrovejo's initiative; and 3) indigenous involvement in catholic ceremonies, with particular attention to performances of Indian ministriles in Lima Cathedral, and to foundations of sung masses by indigenous caciques in rural areas of the Archbishopric of Lima. The article explores unpublished documents preserved at the Archivo General de Indias in Seville and at the Archivo del Cabildo Metropolitano in Lima. Four Appendices are included: 1) biographical information on Gutierre Fernández Hidalgo; 2) selection of musical aspects in the 1593 Consueta for Lima Cathedral; 3) some liturgical ceremonies with music in indigenous villages within the Archbishopric of Lima; and 4) illustrations in the Nueva crónica y buen gobierno (ca. 1595-1615) by Guaman Poma de Ayala related to some of the article's contents.
Gembero-Ustárroz, M. (2016). Música en la catedral de lima en tiempos del arzobispo mogrovejo (1581-1606): Gutierre fernández hidalgo, la consueta de 1593, la participación indígena. Resonancias, 20(39), 13–41.
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