Aim: Plant nutrient management through application of sulphur in combination with boron is essential practice to sustain economic and quality yield in potato. The present investigation was performed to determine the economic performance of potato cultivation against integration of sulphur and boron with high grade fertilizers. o Methodology: The field was supplied with recommended dose of N, P and K (120:80:100 kg N, P2O5 and K2O per ha-1). Sulphur (wettable sulphur) and boron (borovin) were applied as both, basal dose and foliar spray at 30 and 60 DAS (days after sowing). Intercultural practices were carried out as per recommendation and observations were recorded on chlorophyll content, yield and economic attributes. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test was applied for statistical analysis of observations. Results: Foliar application of sulphur or boron was reported to have significant effect on dry matter and starch level in potato tubers, however highest dry matter (26.31%) and starch (71.37%) content was recorded in T9 (2 foliar sprays of 0.5% borovin and 0.25% sulphur). This was further reported with highest economic yield (360 q ha-1), gross income (Rs. 2, 88, 000), net income (Rs. 2, 14, 900) and B:C ratio (2.940:1), followed by T3; T5; T8 and T6. Interpretation: Sulphur and boron application has been reported to bring significant influence on the chlorophyll level of potato plants consequently photosynthetic activity was also influenced. The improved photosynthetic activity had increased the fresh weight of potato tubers, dry matter and starch content of potato tubers when sulphur was applied as foliar application in combination with boron or alone. The tuber yield and B:C ratio was also observed to be significantly increased due to foliar application of sulphur alone or in combination with boron.
Singh, S. K., Sharma, M., Reddy, K. R., & Venkatesh, T. (2018). Integrated application of boron and sulphur to improve quality and economic yield in potato. Journal of Environmental Biology, 39(2), 204–210.
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