Results of surgical correction of upper eyelid retraction in Graves’ Orbitopathy

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Introduction: Anterior levator disinsertion/reinsertion and Müllerectomy (ALDM) is generally performed to correct upper eyelid retraction in patients with Graves’ orbitopathy (GO). We studied the outcome of this procedure and its correlation with clinical parameters. Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of results of ALDM in 305 consecutive euthyroid patients with burnt-out GO treated in our hospital between 1 January 2000 and 1 January 2016. From the patient files, we recorded data on age, gender, laterality of surgery, smoking history and previous interventions. For outcome analysis, we used a qualitative scoring system with subdivision into three categories (good (MRD-1 of 4–5 mm, smooth upper eyelid contour and left-right difference of < 1 mm); acceptable (MRD-1 of 3–<4 or> 5–6 mm), smooth upper eyelid contour and left-right difference of < 2 mm; poor: if none of the above criteria was met). We analysed the outcome per eyelid as well as per patient. Results: Of the 305 patients (471 eyelids), 166 underwent bilateral and 139 unilateral surgery. Regarding eyelids, the outcome of surgery was good in 71.6% (337/471) acceptable in 15.7% (74/471) and poor in 12.7% (60/471). Regarding patients, the outcome was good in 64.3% (196/305), acceptable in 15.7% (48/305) and poor in 20% (61/305). Concerning bilateral and unilateral surgery, the outcome was good in 60.8% (101/166) and acceptable in 16.9% (28/166) of patients after bilateral surgery, and good in 68.3% (95/139) and acceptable in 14.4% (20/139) of the patients after unilateral surgery (p = 0.17). Reoperation was performed in 16% (75 of 471) of eyelids and in 22 % (66 of 305) of patients. After secondary surgery, the cumulative success percentage was good in 78.6% (370/471) of eyelids and in 79% (241/305) of patients. We found no relation between surgical outcome and any other studied parameter, such as age, gender, smoking history and previous intervention such as extraocular muscle surgery and/or orbital decompression. Conclusion: Correction of upper eyelid retraction yields a good result in 64.3% of patients and 71.6% of eyelids. With one additional procedure, the procedure proved was successful in 79% of patients and eyelids. We found no relation between the outcome of surgery and any other parameter, such as previous disease severity, previous interventions or smoking history. For comparative analysis, we recommend to report the outcome per patient rather than per eyelid.




Pinas, D., O.B. De Keizer, R., Wubbels, R. J., van den Bosch, W. A., & Paridaens, D. (2021). Results of surgical correction of upper eyelid retraction in Graves’ Orbitopathy. Acta Ophthalmologica, 99(4), e608–e613.

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