Non Revenue Water (NRW) disebut juga dengan Air Tak berekening (ATR) adalah perbedaan jumlah air yang masuk ke sistem distribusi dengan air yang tercetak di rekening. Di Perumahan Balikpapan Baru zona 1 dan 2 masih banyak sekali masyarakat yang belum mendapat pelayanan dari PDAM Kota Balikpapan. Hal ini dikarenakan kendala PDAM untuk mendistribusikan air akibat tekanan air yang tidak memenuhi syarat akibat dari NRW/ATR. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan kuantitatif yaitu didukung oleh data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh tingkat kehilangan air pada tahun 2018 di Zona 1 Perumahan Balikpapan Baru sebesar 16681.11 m3/tahun atau jika di persentasekan yaitu 27.75%. Sedangkan di Zona 2 Perumahan Balikpapan Baru sebesar 54065.39 m3/tahun atau jika di persentasekan yaitu 34.32%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis program NRW dengan ILI Metode diperoleh bahwa nilai ILI 9.63 dengan tekanan rata-rata 15.86 m. Menurut matriks tabel target kehilangan air disimpulkan bahwa kehilangan fisik air di zona 1 dan 2 Perum. Balikpapan Baru termasuk ke dalam golongan C dengan ILI 8-16 dan tingkat kebocoran 200-400 liter/sambungan/hari. Kata Kunci: Kinerja distribusi air, Air Tak Berekening, Kehilangan Air NRW stands for Non Revenue Water or also called ATR (Unrealized Water) is the difference in the amount of water entering the distribution system with water printed on the account. In Balikpapan Baru housing zones 1 and 2 there are still many people who have not received services from PDAM Balikpapan. This is due to the constraints of the PDAM to distribute water due to water pressure that does not meet the requirements resulting from NRW /ATR. The method used in this research is survey and quantitative methods which are supported by primary data and secondary data. Based on the analysis results obtained by the level of water loss in 2018 it was found that the level of water loss that occurred during 2018 in Zone 1 Balikpapan Baru is 16681.11 m3/year or if it is at a percentage of 27.75%. While in Zone 2 Balikpapan Baru is 54065.39 m3/year or if the percentage is 34.32%. Based on the results of the NRW program analysis with ILI the method obtained that the ILI value is 9.63 with an average pressure of 15.86 m. According to the matrix of the target table for water loss it is concluded that the physical loss of water in zones 1 and 2 Balikpapan Baru is included in group C with ILI 8-16 and a leakage rate of 200-400 liters/connection/day. Keywords: Water distribution performance, Non-Revenue Water, Water Loss
Mustakim, M., & Tegar Pratama, D. (2022). Analisis Non Revenue Water (NRW) pada Jaringan Pipa Air Bersih PDAM Kota Balikpapan. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil TRANSUKMA, 3(1), 25–33.
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