AbstrakIn Islamic law, there are principles of equality among all human beings,including equality between men and women. To manifest the principles ofequality, proper understanding of Islamic law and human rights is needed.Human rights, including women's rights are often mentioned in al-Qur'anand al-Hadits. Islam comes to bring fresh air for women because God'srevelation descended to Prophet Muhammad talks much about women, bothabout their rights and obligations. Although Islam has been present for morethan fourteen centuries ago, but the provisions contained in al-Qur 'an andthe al-Hadith, as sources of Islamic law have not been realized properly inIslamic society, even until today there are still practices in Islamiccommunities that put Muslims women not as they should. Although therewere not many, but the condition can lead to incorrect understanding ofIslam in society that Islam less aware ofwomen's rights. Infact, Islam givesgreat attention and gives a respectable position for women. In order that thewomen's rights can be implemented appropriately, every Muslim shouldunderstand Islamic law well and correctly, so they can realize their rightsand obligations as servants of God, as members of society and citizens.Human rights and women issues should be perceived as a problem faced notby women only, but also by all people in society. Awareness about women'srights in Islam cannot establish by itself but must be cultivated through acorrect dissemination of correct understanding to the community,particularly Muslims, both men and women.
Hasanah, U. (2010). PEREMPUAN DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM. Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 40(4), 440. https://doi.org/10.21143/jhp.vol40.no4.235
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