Ahluwalia (2012) conducted a study to explore the subjective experience of past-life resgression (PLR). The study reveled how participants where able to relate the images and emotions experienced through the past life regression therapy with their current lives. It was also found that the majority of the participants reported that they gained positive effects through what they experienced with the past life therapy. This lead the conclusion of the study that because of these findings further research was needed. This study only considered the research perspective of at any benefits or potential ill-effects one recieves from past life regression therappy, rather than proving the existance of. INterpretive phenomenological anaylsis was used on 15 participants. 14 of which where women, ages 21-24 years. These particpnats where interviewed after the hypnosis. A semi structured interview was performed post treatment asking for a complete account of experinces, what emotipns and sensations were exprerinced, did their beliefs change after the experince and allowed for discussion of the message in the past-life. The interviews were recroded within a few hours from the treatment and the inerviews lasted around 15 mins each. From the anaylsis that was conducted rich experinces of both sensation and feelings was discovered. They explained that they felt as thouhg it was actually them and that the emotions that camw with it syuch as fear annd happiness. They discussed howo they was able to navigate themselves through the stories they was teling wothout amy prompting. They was able to relate what they belieebd to be past life memories with their lifes now. They was able to understand certain things from this lifetime more, thing made more sense and meaninginful. There was a skeptisicim of ehat they had seen an d thoughts of maybe they had made it up or drempt it, however many did also believe that there was a big chance that what they hs seen was infact memories and experinces from a past life. The majprity of the particoants had a pleaent or neutral experince. Crypoamnesia has thought to maybe be a potential to explain the phonomena
Ahluwalia, H. (2012). Subjective Experience of Past – Life Regression. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(6), 39–45. https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-0263945
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