abstrakThe author does elaborate on distinguishing terminology of "bahasa hukumIndonesia". Under his research has not been referred to distinct thatterminology from "bahasa" itself, or by simple words it disembarks tocertain bahasa that applied specific in law. Thus by that definition "bahasahukum" ought not to disregarded to etymology (the study of the origin ofwords), semantics (word meaning knowledge) and syntactic (grammarscience words) common language in bahasa Indonesia. While this was notmeant that for undergraduate law must be a Bachelor of Language!Literature at once, but he must use all means of hardware (especiallydictionaries), as well as software (expert advice). Characteristics "bahasahukurn Indonesia" is located on the terms, composition and style of aparticular language. Bahasa hukum is the language within the scope of rulesand regulations that aim to bring order and justice, to maintain publicinterest and private interests within the community. But because bahasahukum is part of the modern Bahasa Indonesia, then in use it must remainplain, and eligible monosemantic Bahasa Indonesia aesthetics.
Purbacaraka, P. W. (2009). SEKILAS TENT ANG BAHASA HUKUM. Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 139. https://doi.org/10.21143/jhp.vol0.no0.194
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