The difference between open umbilical cord care and closed umbilical cord care with the effectiveness of umbilical cord detachment. Babies need tight monitoring and care can increase the chance to do good to the transition to life outside of the uterus .One of them is care the umbilical cord.The umbilical cord can is the gateway for an infection to the body of a baby. High infant mortality caused asphyxia, BBLR, the umbilical cord neonatorum (tetanus infection), congenital.An objective in this study is to find the treatment umbilicalcord open and closed the umbilical cord care about the effectiveness umbilical cord of the release at BPM Pangkep. This study experimental methods, use desain non equivalent time sampel design with approachsystematis sampling research it has the number of respondents 33 an infant by the probabilitas sampling tekhnik.Data in this research and law made in the directly upon any respondents. The research by analysis the data used was Uji T (Indepedent Sample Test) with a meaningα = 0.05if p< α 0.05 means The treatment umbilicalcord open and closed the umbilical cord care about the effectiveness umbilical cord of the releaseor the treatment umbilicalcord open swift when compared with the treatment of the umbilical closed technique.
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Purnamasari, F. (2021). Perbedaan Perawatan Tali Pusat Terbuka Dan Perawatan Tali Pusat Tertutup Dengan Efektifitas Pelepasan Tali Pusat. Journal of Borneo Holistic Health, 4(2), 104–112.