The objective of the study is to build an instrument that allows to know the acceptance of the population towards a technology for the removal of human excreta by propulsion adapted to the dry toilet instead of the conventional system. The sample consisted of 200 lower-middle class residents. The study was quantitative; a survey was applied based on the Likert scale. The respective validation was carried out applying the methodology of exploratory factor analysis through the method of estimating maximum likelihood factors with reliability estimation and measurement bias analysis. The final questionnaire is made up of 6 dimensions, a factorial structure that includes 14 items and its consistency shows an α of 0.81. The instrument was appropriate for psychometric measurement. It is concluded that the acceptance of the technology is conditioned to factors of functionality, aesthetics and hygiene of the system, and there is a predisposition of the user to promote the technology. 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Vera Barrios, B. S., Del Carpio Delgado, F., & Aguilar Martinez, J. A. (2021). Validation of an Instrument to measure the acceptance of a technology for the self-removal of human excreta adapted to Dry Toilets. Universidad Ciencia y Tecnología, 25(110), 97–108.
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