Jamissen and Moulton describe how digital storytelling (DS) supported an interprofessional group of academics in overcoming challenges in their efforts to develop a holistic Master's degree in Public Health. The DS workshop, part of a continuous formative evaluation program, invited the researchers to explore their own and each other's professional identity and commitment to public health issues. The authors observed a change in the nature and degree of participation with an increased recognition of one's own and other's contributions to the interprofessional study program. As examples of boundary objects, digital stories, seen both as products (the finished stories) and as a process (constructing the narrative in a collaborative setting), help facilitate interprofessional collaboration. [For the complete volume, "Digital Storytelling in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Digital Education and Learning," see ED613403.]
Jamissen, G., & Moulton, M. (2017). “Now I See”: Digital Storytelling for Mediating Interprofessional Collaboration. In Digital Storytelling in Higher Education (pp. 243–259). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51058-3_17
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