Application of 5s Methodology: A Case Study Towards Enhancing Spare Parts Processing Efficiency

  • et al.
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This study investigates the significance of the 5s methodology and its applications in the efficient development of spare parts logistics and the handling of warehouse processes in the petroleum industry. The Delphi approach was used to obtain expert judgment opinion through a series of questionnaires. The information collected was assessed by a selected panel of experts to gather their consolidated opinion and propose their weighted final judgment. The Gemba walk approach was also used as a tool to describe the personal observation of the executed tasks based on random cross-checks of the interaction between senior staff and their employees to explore opportunities for continuous improvement. The results indicate that employee commitment toward implementing the 5s methodology contributes significantly to improve the processing of spare parts in a warehouse. Furthermore, the analysis exhibited 90.1% efficiency in the spare parts logistics in successive months. The results shows that 5s methodology improve the efficiency of the spare parts processing time in the warehouse and recommend the standardize pillar to be implemented weakly compared to the other four 5s pillars. The study shows the relevance of employees’ commitment toward using the 5s methodology to enhance the continuous improvement initiatives of the spare part logistics. This study explores the significance of the 5s methodology in improving the spare parts logistics in a warehouse and its use to overcome their deficiencies and improving the maintenance activities. It also seeks to eliminate downtime cost while improving safety, quality, and efficiency within the available resources. The research could help managers, operations professionals, and researchers investigate warehouse issues in many other industries.




Al-Toubi, S., Alkali, Prof. B., … C.V., Prof. S. (2022). Application of 5s Methodology: A Case Study Towards Enhancing Spare Parts Processing Efficiency. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 11(5), 1–15.

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