Acupuncture appears to be a clinically effective treatment for acute and chronic pain. A considerable amount of research has been conducted to evaluate the role that acupuncture plays in pain suppression; however, few studies have been conducted to evaluate the side effects of the acupuncture procedure. This case report describes a suspected postdural puncture headache following acupuncture for lower back pain. Considering the high opening pressure, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and the patient's history of acupuncture in the lower back area, our diagnosis was iatrogenic postdural puncture headache. Full relief of the headache was achieved after administration of an epidural blood patch. © 2010 The Korean Neurosurgical Society.
Jo, D. J., Lee, B. J., Sung, J. K., & Yi, J. W. (2010). Development of postdural puncture headache following therapeutic acupuncture using a long acupuncture needle. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 47(2), 140–142.
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