AbstractThis study aims to determine how community participation in thedevelopment ofwhite sand beach tourism objects in Kendawangan. This research method usesqualitative research methods in the form ofdescriptive research. The data sourcesfor this research are the head of the management, the village head, and thecommunity around the white sand beach in Kendawangan. The data taken in thisstudy relates to community participation in the development of white sand beachtourism objects. The results of the study indicate that by participating in activitiessuch as social participation, skill participation and labor participation, it bringschanges to the white sand beach. These efforts also make beach managers moresolid for beach development. Forms of togetherness, communication and socialcontact also help maintain solidarity and mutual cooperation. The three forms ofeffort become more enthusiastic in every activity. The form of social participationis that they work together in every activity they do and motivate each other, skillparticipation is that they jointly give advice and make skills even more interesting,and energy participation is seen in their togetherness, communication and socialcontact together.Keywords: Participation, Community, Tourism Development
Nursafitri, G., Imran, I., & Ramadhan, I. (2022). ANALISIS PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGEMBANGAN OBYEK WISATA PANTAI PASIR PUTIH DI KENDAWANGAN. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa (JPPK), 11(2). https://doi.org/10.26418/jppk.v11i2.52869
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