While the importance of sulfur nutrition for the development of healthy stands of canola is well documented, the role of sulfur in the management of insect pest infestations has not previously been investigated in this crop. Field experiments were conducted at three sites in central Alberta in 1997 and 1998 to determine the influence of sulfur and sulfate applications on infestations of root maggots (Delia spp.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in canola (Brassica rapa L.). Different formulations (granules, powder, prills, and sprays), application methods (either drilled in with the seed or top-dressed on the soil surface), and application rates were evaluated. To assess the degree of root maggot infestation, oviposition throughout the season and damage to taproots at the end of the season were monitored. Sulfur contents were analyzed from leaf samples collected mid-season and seed yields were measured from all treatment plots. Root maggot responses to the different sulfur treatments and application methods varied among years and sites, indicating that environmental factors have great importance in determining infestation levels by these pests, and the oxidation rate of elemental sulfur in soil. Sulfur formulation and application rate had significant effects on root maggot egg deposition and root damage for some sites and years, but even at high rates of application (112 kg ha-1) reductions in infestation levels were not substantial relative to the controls. While sulfur additions alone will not greatly reduce root maggot infestation levels in canola, growers should employ adequate sulfur nutrition for optimum crop health to enable plants to better compensate for damage by these pests.
Dosdall, L. M., Yang, R. C., & Conway, P. M. (2002). Do applications of sulfur or sulfate influence infestations of root maggots (Delia spp.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in canola? Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 82(3), 599–610. https://doi.org/10.4141/P01-081
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