SQL injection detection and prevention techniques in ASP.NET web application

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Injection in SQL (structure query language) is one of the threats to web-based apps, mobile apps and even desktop applications associated to the database. An effective SQL Injection Attacks (SQLIA) could have severe implications for the victimized organization including economic loss, loss of reputation, enforcement and infringement of regulations. Systems which do not validate the input of the user correctly make them susceptible to SQL injection. SQLIA happens once an attacker can incorporate a sequence of harmful SQL commands into a request by changing back-end database through user information. To use this sort of attacks may readily hack applications and grab the private information by the attacker. In this article we introduce deferential sort of process to safeguard against current SQLIA method and instruments that are used in ASP.NET apps to detect or stop these attacks.




Kausar, M. A., Nasar, M., & Moyaid, A. (2019). SQL injection detection and prevention techniques in ASP.NET web application. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7759–7766. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.C6319.098319

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