The number of international migrants has continued to grow rapidly reaching 244 million in 2015 (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Trends in international migrant stock: the 2015 revision, 2015). The rise in the number of international migrants reflects the increasing importance of international migration, which has become an integral part of our economies and societies. With appropriate policies and effective strategies, migration can contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development in both home and host communities. Continuously emerging as among the top countries of the world with the largest and fastest growing population of international migrants, the Philippines, based on recent stock estimates, has a total 10.2 million overseas Filipinos dispersed in different parts of the globe. Arguably, within the developing world, there is no other country more strategically positioned than the Philippines to reap the development benefits of international migration. Nearly tenth of the country’s population works or lives abroad and possesses various skills and resources which are potential driving force for the country’s development. This chapter presents the Philippines experiences, challenges and lessons learned in managing diaspora resources. In particular, this chapter discusses a number of policies and initiatives that the Philippines has developed and undertaken at all levels and among various stakeholders with the view of harnessing the development potential of migration and to promote and facilitate overseas Filipinos engagement.
Nicolas, I. M., & Rodriguez, J. L. S. (2019). The Philippines Experience in Managing Diaspora Resources: Policies and Initiatives in Facilitating Diaspora Engagement. In Contributions to Management Science (pp. 513–528). Springer.
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