• Wilutomo R
  • Yuwono T
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Resnu Mauliyana Mukti Wilutomo, Teguh Yuwono, 3 phase induction motor must work well and safely. Many types of interference have the potential to interfere with motor performance or even damage the motor itself, including due to power instability which includes imbalance between phase voltages and more phase currents. Monitoring an industrial activity especially monitoring the protection system is very important, it is intended that the disturbance that occurs in the 3 phase induction motor can be analyzed for the value and type of interference. Rapid technological development requires a monitoring system that is practical, fast and accurate. Sensors installed on this device are current sensors, voltage sensors, and speed sensors. The read, current, voltage and speed will be used as input signals to Arduino using the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) process, Arduino programming uses C ++ language. ESP8266 wifi module) will upload the data from the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) process to the database which is then displayed on the web using the available internet network. The web programming language used is PHP. This tool makes it easy to monitor a 3 phase induction motor because it can be done anytime and anywhere. There was a difference of ± 0.24A between the Tang Ampere measuring instrument and reading on the web. A ± 4V difference occurs between the Multimeter measuring instrument with readings on the Web. The maximum speed of the 3-phase induction motor with no load is 22Rpm between the tachometer gauge and the web display. Keywords: voltage sensor, current sensor, speed sensor, C ++ language programming, PHP.References Mahardika, Ferdina . 2016. Rancang Bangun Alat Memonitor Ketidakstabilan Daya Berbasis Arduino Mega 2560 Pada Motor Induksi 3 Fasa. Semarang : Laporan Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro Universitas Diponegoro.2.     Girsang, Irma Sika. 2015. Perancangan Monitoring Jarak Jauh Ketinggian Air Pada Bendungan Menggunakan Sistem Android Via Jaringan Wi-Fi. Sumatera utara : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekstensi Fisika Instrumentasi FMIPA Universitas Sumatera Utara.Santoso, Imam , Rizal Isnanto, R, Chaerodin, Achmad. 2008. Sistem Monitoring Suhu Berbasis Web Dengan Akuisisi Data Melalui Port Paralel PC. Semarang : Laporan Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro Universitas Diponegoro.Zuhal. 2000. Dasar Teknik Tenaka Listrik dan Elektronika Daya. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka UtamaArduino. Arduino due. 12 Mei 2017 pukul 21.40.( https://www. arduino.cc/en /Main/ arduino BoardDue ).Kho, Dickso . Pengertian dan prinsip kerja optocoupler. 12 Mei 2017 pukul 20.20. (http: //teknikelektronika .com / pengertian- optocoupler- fungsi- prinsip- kerja- optocoupler).Quang, Sáng Bùi. Rotary Encoder Training Material. 12 mei 2017 pukul 22.15.   (https: //www .slideshare.net /sangbuiquang3 /rotary-encoder -training- material).Sugito, Tega.2016. Rancang Bangun Pengasutan Star Delta Pada Motor Induksi Tiga Fasa Berbasis Sensor Kecepatan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 16 .Semarang : Laporan Tugas Akhir Teknik Elektro Universitas DiponegoroWidiyaman, Tresna . Pengertian Modul Wifi ESPN8266. 11 Mei 2017 pukul 16.50. ( http: // www.  Warriornux  .com /  pengertian – modul -  wifi - esp8266/).Labradoc. ESP8266 WiFi Module Quick Start Guide. 10 Mei pulul 17.40. (http://www.labradoc.com/i/follower/p/notes-esp8266).Prasetio, Andhi. 2012. Buku Pintar Pemrograman Web. Jakarta: Media K.Hidayat, Rahmat. 2010. Cara Praktis Membangun Website Gratis. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.Fathansyah. 2012. Basis Data. Bandung: Informatika Bandung.




Wilutomo, R. M. M., & Yuwono, T. (2017). RANCANG BANGUN MEMONITOR ARUS DAN TEGANGAN SERTA KECEPATAN MOTOR INDUKSI 3 FASA MENGGUNAKAN WEB BERBASIS ARDUINO DUE. Gema Teknologi, 19(3), 19. https://doi.org/10.14710/gt.v19i3.21881

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