The motivation of innovation production is important to be discussed because it determines the orientation of one’s actions. The issue is there is a contradiction between theories about the presence or absence of external motivation in encouraging teachers to innovate. In addition, the existing theory on motivation to innovate also does not touch on Islamic motivation which is one of the motivations for the teaching excellence of Islamic Education teachers. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to explore the motivation for the production of teaching innovation among innovative teachers of Islamic Education. The study was conducted in a qualitative form. There were eight study participants selected using purposive sampling technique. They are tracked using the snowball method. Data were collected using semi -structured and in -depth interview methods. The validity and reliability of the findings were made through triangulation of sources, length of stay in the field and Kappa values. The findings show that there are 13 motivations that motivate study participants to innovate and can be categorized into two, namely; internal motivation and external motivation. Internal motivation consists of inspiration, task, self -satisfaction, afterlife share and interest. External motivation is related to competition, recognition, side income, career advancement, positive acceptance of students, peer encouragement, peer support and the role of administrator. These findings can provide input to education administrators in their efforts to stimulate teachers under their management to also engage in innovative activities. Abstrak Motivasi penghasilan inovasi penting untuk dibincangkan kerana ia menjadi penentu orientasi tindakan seseorang. Isunya terdapat kontradik antara teori mengenai ada atau tidak motivasi luaran dalam mendorong guru berinovasi. Selain itu, teori mengenai motivasi untuk berinovasi sedia ada turut tidak menyentuh mengenai motivasi islami yang menjadi antara motivasi kepada kecemerlangan pengajaran guru Pendidikan Islam. Oleh itu kajian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk meneroka motivasi penghasilan inovasi pengajaran di kalangan guru inovatif Pendidikan Islam. Kajian dijalankan dalam bentuk kualitatif. Terdapat lapan peserta kajian dipilih menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan. Mereka dijejak dengan menggunakan kaedah snowball. Data dikutip menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa struktur dan secara mendalam. Kesahan dan keboleh percayaan dapatan dibuat melalui triangulasi sumber, lama berada di lapangan dan nilai Kappa. Dapatan menunjukkan terdapat 13 motivasi yang mendorong peserta kajian berinovasi dan boleh dikategorikan kepada dua, iaitu; motivasi dalaman dan motivasi luaran. Motivasi dalaman terdiri daripada inspirasi, tugas, kepuasan diri, saham akhirat dan minat. Motivasi luaran pula terkait dengan pertandingan, pengiktirafan, pendapatan sampingan, peningkatan kerjaya, penerimaan positif pelajar, dorongan pasangan, sokongan rakan dan peranan pentadbir. Dapatan ini dapat memberi input kepada pentadbir pendidikan dalam usaha mereka untuk merangsang guru di bawah pengurusan mereka untuk turut sama bergelumang dalam kegiatan berinovasi.
Wan Abdullah, W. A. A., Abdul Razak, K., Hamzah, M. I., & Mohd Zhaffar, N. (2023). Motivasi Penghasilan Inovasi Pengajaran oleh Guru Inovatif Pendidikan Islam. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 7(1), 1–15.
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